is an informal collaborative of audio historians, recording engineers, sound archivists, scientists, other individuals, and organizations who aim to make humanity's earliest sound recordings available to all people for all time. Its major contribution has been the processing and creative commons publication of key primary sources relating to the work of Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville in phonautography. In addition to pre-Edisonian sound files, its publications have included facsimile editions, transcriptions, and translations—all issued in PDF format.
The first of these publications appeared as "working papers" in April 2008, and since that time they have been cited as sources in various studies and essays. Meanwhile, we've continued to learn of new Scott materials, to refine our understanding of those we knew about earlier, and (sometimes) to discover silly mistakes—leading to occasional revisions. The policy of is not to maintain out-of-date editions of its publications on its website, which has the unfortunate potential to make past bibliographic references to these publications impossible to track down. With that in mind, I have established this page to archive all past and current editions of First Sounds PDF publications.
If you're just looking for the most up-to-date versions, the best place to get them is directly from |
1. Working Paper 1: Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville's "Principes de Phonautographie" (1857): A Critical Edition with English Translation and Facsimile.
Text: Patrick Feaster
Facsimile (appendix): David Giovannoni
24 April 2008 edition
Current URL (marked as "retired")
Text superseded by #5.
Facsimile superseded by #6.
2. Working Paper 2: Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville's Phonograph Patent No. 31470: A Critical Edition with English Translation and Facsimile.
Text: Patrick Feaster
Facsimile (appendix): David Giovannoni
24 April 2008 edition
Current URL (marked as "retired")
Text superseded by #5.
Facsimile superseded by #7.
3. Working Paper 3: Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville's "Fixation Graphique de la Voix": A Critical Edition with English Translation and Facsimile.
Text: Patrick Feaster
Facsimile (appendix): David Giovannoni
24 April 2008 edition
24 May 2009 edition (revised)
Current URL (marked as "retired")
Text superseded by #5.
4. Working Paper 4: Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville's 1861 Communication to the Académie des Sciences: A Critical Edition with English Translation and Facsimile.
Text: Patrick Feaster
Facsimile (appendix): David Giovannoni
24 April 2008 edition
22 May 2009 edition (revised)
Current URL (marked as "retired")
Text superseded by #5.
Facsimile superseded by #11.
5. The Phonautographic Manuscripts of Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville.
Edited and translated by Patrick Feaster
Dec 2009 edition 1.0
Mar 2010 edition 1.1 (minor revision)
Mar 2010 edition 1.1 ( mirror)
Current URL
6. Facsimile Series No. 1:
Principes de Phonautographie (1857)—Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville.
Facsimile edition: David Giovannoni
9 April 2010 edition
Current URL
7. Facsimile Series No. 2:
Brevet d'Invention (1857) and Certificat d'Addition (1859)—Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville.
Facsimile edition: David Giovannoni
9 April 2010 edition
Current URL
8. Facsimile Series No. 3:
Graphie du Son (1857)—Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville.
Facsimile edition: David Giovannoni
9 April 2010 edition
Current URL
9. Facsimile Series No. 4:
M. Scott's Procedures for the Graphic Fixation of the Voice (1857)—Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville; Jules Lissajous' Report to the Society (1858); Phonautographe et fixation graphique de la voix (1859).
Facsimile edition: David Giovannoni
9 April 2010 edition
Current URL
10. Facsimile Series No. 5:
Fixation et Transcription du Chant (1860).
Facsimile edition: David Giovannoni
9 April 2010 edition
Current URL
11. Facsimile Series No. 6:
Inscription automatique des sons de l'air au moyen d'une oreille artificielle (1861).
Facsimile edition: David Giovannoni
9 April 2010 edition
Current URL
12. Facsimile Series No. 8:
Le Probléme de la parole s’écrivant elle-même (1878).
Facsimile edition: David Giovannoni
Current URL